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  1. 修行有五種障礙的我們,佛為何不捨棄?
  2. 隔行如隔山
  3. 《淨土三經》概說(下)
  4. 《淨土三經》概說(中)
  5. 《淨土三經》概說(上)
  6. 關於「機法二種深信」的一個譬喻
  7. 勿以世法論佛法
  8. 說信願


  1. 念佛人四給七凡
  2. 網路時代隨感
  3. 一個圖形引發的思考:人生的圓心是念佛
  4. 蛇入竹筒自然直
  5. 若心果真為眾生
  6. 木桌與世界
  7. 凡事為對方設想
  8. 怎樣才能庇佑子孫?最好的方法就是念佛!
  9. 人類「崇拜心理」之我見
  10. 達則兼善不渝,窮則自得無悶
  11. 痛的短語
  12. 得到=想得到更多
  13. 念佛行者應如何思維
  14. 人生最珍貴的相遇:遇見阿彌陀佛
  15. 一幅圖讓你看清人生的真相
  16. 念佛人如何敦倫盡分
  17. 這個世界的真實名字叫「娑婆」
  18. 世間,乃無量時間與無量空間聯貫而成的一個幻體
  19. 受教與發心
  20. 淨土宗是所有末法人最後的希望
  21. 孤悲之路,幸有佛陪
  22. 我們能夠依止善導大師教法,是十分幸運的
  23. 念佛愈多,愈能體會到這顆念佛心的多彩與光明
  24. 我,選擇活在南無阿彌陀佛裡
  25. 相信因果是佛弟子之根本
  26. 漫漫西歸路,是佛背著我負重前行
  27. 知見混亂的年代,誰才是你的善知識?
  28. 宇宙第一犟——萬牛莫挽的念佛人
  29. 你有多大膽,才敢懷疑佛的話!
  30. 心中種下牛頭檀,香氣普熏三千界
  31. 彌陀興旺 而我衰亡
  32. 「知止」而成佛
  33. 佛教中的「大丈夫」是什麼意思?
  34. 把青春獻給佛教
  35. 且以微心入淨土
  36. 勸人念佛勿說教
  37. 法照大師現身教道士念佛
  38. 念佛往生,直了成佛!
  39. 六條秘訣
  40. 一則古老故事告訴你:人有至誠,必有奇蹟
  41. 心無掛礙 則無恐怖
  42. 所有快樂抵不過一根針刺
  43. 法性之都——西方極樂世界
  44. 享受被人遺忘的時光
  45. 一定不要「一定」
  46. 從安樂窩到安樂國
  47. 佛的陪伴,是我們對母親最長情的告白
  48. 學習應主動
  49. 給人希望
  50. 極樂世界 天天過年
  51. 等乾
  52. 人活著到底是為了什麼?
  53. 習靜與獨處
  54. 極樂世界不能談戀愛,還稱得上「極樂」嗎?
  55. 度盡劫波兄弟在,蓮池一笑泯恩仇
  56. 如果有一台能拍攝心念的高像素相機
  57. 穩穩的幸福
  58. 不懷虛假,不行諂曲
  59. 學佛應理性
  60. 漫談念佛攝心
  61. 忙,但不要丟了悠閒的心
  62. 念佛自然五福臨門
  63. 漏福之心洞
  64. 阿彌陀佛與我們到底啥關係
  65. 苦惱來襲,請服「二常二因」藥
  66. 臘八節裡憶佛恩
  67. 我對謙卑的體會
  68. 三種師
  69. 待人有道 不疑而已
  70. 談讀書
  71. 弟子如何事師?
  72. 顛倒因果
  73. 聞一蓮友與淨宗法師的對話有感
  74. 賞畫有感
  75. 勇敢的皈依
  76. 也說逃避
  77. 新年對聯解讀
  78. 聖道轉歸淨土的奇緣
  79. 妄念一則
  80. 小動作 大成就
  81. 養老院見聞記
  82. 念佛人的交友觀
  83. 念佛與做人
  84. 說話的藝術
  85. 快樂的四重境界
  86. 為何唯說念佛
  87. 彌陀眼中妙好人
  88. 佛經句句不欺人
  89. 文人學佛之慎
  90. 住持大柄在德與惠
  91. 輪迴路上念佛好
  92. 元旦祝福話彌陀
  93. 極樂好
  94. 宣城地下湧出了彌陀大潮
  95. 我的學佛經歷


  1. 凡夫如何破食色我執?
  2. 念佛了,用怎樣的心走後面的路?
  3. 念佛與改命(中英對照)
  4. 一文遍覆因疫而困者
  5. 謙卑是自信心中折射出來的光芒
  6. 如果念佛不能達成世俗願望當如何思惟?
  7. 極樂是報引證
  8. 網絡問答(三)
  9. 網絡問答(二)
  10. 網絡問答(一)


  1. 宗道法師簡介


Chanting Buddha’s Name and Changing Your Fate

文/釋宗道 By Master Zongdao



  Q: I have been chanting the Buddha’s name for so long, why hasn’t my fortune changed? Why am I still so hapless?


  A: Those who believe in cause and effect should know that fortune is not accidental. It is not possible to change one’s luck fortuitously.

  After reciting the Buddha-name three times, one expects Amitabha Buddha to act like the gods of other faiths to free them from bad luck and shower them with blessings. There is no such thing.


  A person’s destiny depends on the causes and effects created in his previous lives. Causality is pivotal to the human mind. When a thought arises, the cause is planted and eventually leads to its consequence,like a seed with proper conditions leading to a fruit-bearing tree. As we are enduring the effects of past causes, their consequences create new karmic causes which will guide the fate of our future, whether it be a life of good fortune and a worthy endeavor or a life full of misfortune and transgressions, poverty and famine, and illness. The magnitude and the timing of each turn vary according to the strength of the karmic force and the causal mind.


  Stronger thoughts and deeds result in stronger causes and consequences. But, they have been planted in previous lives, and few people today possess the kind of power great enough to influence or alter their predetermined fate. Besides, nowadays, people are generally weak in mental strength, scattered and dazed, uncertain of their destiny,like aquatic plants floating on water. Therefore, the general framework and tone of life for the vast majority of people will not change much; it only fluctuates within their predetermined range of pain and pleasure.


  After all, the six characters are the source of all blessings. Thus,although people who recite the Buddha’s name aim to be reborn in the Pure Land and do not seek worldly blessings, they are naturally blessed with worldly fortune. The more one wants to be emancipated from the samsara, the more worldly blessings one will attain because the revulsion of the Saha world and aspiration to be born in the Land of Ultimate Bliss match the Buddha’s heart which produces an immediate result. This is the only effective way to change the fate of all sentient beings.


  1. 篤實相信因果循環乃法界鐵律,命由前定否?既然相信因果,則當安心認賬領罰,不起俗世人一般對於命運過分之期待。

  2. 念佛究係為世福而念,還是為往生而念?為世福念不如為往生念,手握百億資財,只換一個棒棒糖,豈不虧哉?

  3. 發心念佛時間是否尚短?每日念佛是否虛口應付者多?

  After understanding the above principles, even though you recite the Buddha’s name without realizing the change of fate, you can examine your own mind.

  1. Firmly believe that the cycle of cause and effect is the iron law of the entire universe. Is our fate determined by our past actions? Since we believe in cause and effect, we should be at

ease and accept the retribution and not expect too much fortune like that of ordinary people.

  2. Should we recite the Buddha’s name for worldly blessings or for the rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss? Worldly blessing is not as good as rebirth in the Land of Ultimate Bliss. Reciting

  the Buddha’s name for worldly blessings is like giving up tens of billions of dollars for only a lollipop. Isn’t that a loss?

  3. Hasn’t the time we’ve recited the Buddha’s name been too short? Are you performing your daily recitation earnestly or just coping?


  You should know that a river forms because of the accumulation of water; merits are made because of good deeds; without merit and virtue,fate can not change. In addition, whether your fate has altered cannot be determined by intuitive feelings. After all, feelings are just emotions,not real or permanent . So, taking a step back, even if, from an objective point of view, it is true that your situation is indeed getting worse, who is to deny categorically that had it not been for reciting the Buddha, your situation would have gotten even worse? Moreover, whether the fate of life has changed or not, will it even change? You don't need to ask people, you can see it for yourself. As the saying goes: “character is destiny,” which is quite true. The mode of one’s mind develops into habit, and the accumulation of habit becomes the character.


  Whatever kind of character you have, you will naturally have that kind of destiny. In addition to changing our future reincarnation, reciting Buddha’s name can also change our lives in the present. This real life-change is a change to one's character. Just like pruning a plant, changing one’s current behavior is only a temporary measure, not a long-term method. Only by changing the genes can the essential changes occur. After chanting the Buddha’s name for a long time, the “three karmic offenses (body, speech, and mind) will be self-diminished,” Everything trends towards the middle way; the impetuous become quiet, the acerbic become kind, the selfish become generous, and distracting thoughts become mellowed and the mind becomes cleared, vulgar becomes elegant, shallow becomes deep. All of these happen unconsciously and imperceptibly, exerting a subtle influence on one’s character or thinking,like a child growing up to be an adult without feeling it. When the genes of life change, fate must change. 


  You can observe whether there is a change in your character before and after reciting the Buddha’s name. If there is, and yet your fate remains the same, I will not believe it!

(Translated by the Pure Land School Translation Team; edited by Kevin Orro (Fozhu)) 




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